Andy Storch is the author of the book Own Your Career Own Your Life and a dynamic keynote speaker who can inspire your people to take ownership of their careers and prepare for the future. Andy has been facilitating workshops for large companies all over the world since 2011 and has spoken in front of thousands of people.

Modern Leadership: Transforming Leaders for Today's Challenges

In today’s ever-changing world, the ability to adapt and thrive amidst uncertainty is more critical than ever. This keynote focuses on empowering your team with the skills and mindset necessary to navigate change and seize new opportunities.

With years of experience studying and working with dozens of organizations, we understand that a positive mindset is the cornerstone of success. This keynote is fast-paced and packed with actionable tips tailored to your organization’s needs. We take into account your company’s culture, recent developments, and the latest industry trends to provide a relevant and impactful experience. 


  • Ownership Mindset: Empower your team to focus on what they can control, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and success. Andy teaches participants to channel their energy into actionable steps within their control, fostering a proactive approach to problem-solving.

  • Growth Mindset: Encourage a culture of continuous learning, curiosity, and innovation. Participants will learn to break free from traditional ways of thinking, embracing new ideas and approaches that drive progress and creativity.

  • Abundance Mindset: Instill the belief that the world is full of opportunities. Andy will guide participants to see the potential in every situation, helping them embrace change and leverage it to their advantage.

  • Positivity: Shift perspectives to view life as a series of opportunities rather than obstacles. Andy’s presentation encourages a positive outlook, reducing complaints and increasing the drive to find constructive solutions.

  • Performance: Equip leaders with the tools to set challenging yet achievable goals. Andy emphasize the importance of accountability and support in reaching these goals, ensuring that everyone is aligned and motivated.

  • Connecting Goals to a Greater Purpose: Help your team see the bigger picture. Andy connects individual goals to the overall mission and vision of the company, fostering a sense of purpose and dedication.

You can choose from 3 different formats: keynote, workshop, or webinar

Andy took time to understand our culture, and then worked with us to connect his content to our initiatives. Our team very much appreciates this level of collaboration. Over 800 participants attended the talk in an engaging session as borne out by the live interaction and post-session feedback and ratings.
Manjit Sekhon
Learning and Organizational Effectiveness Senior Consultan


Andy is a dynamic, energetic, and empathetic speaker, who knows how to connect with an audience, keep them engaged, and teach them what they need to know to own their careers. Andy has been speaking and facilitating workshops for companies all over the world since 2011 and is a connector who knows how to engage with audiences at every level, including early-career professionals and C-Suite executives. Andy weaves storytelling and humor into his sessions and can cater to your audience and objectives. Andy is on a mission to teach more people to won their careers and is committed to providing value to everyone he encounters.


Andy has a gift, he is an inspirational facilitator, and will leave your audience wanting more..With so much economic uncertainty ahead this year, keeping your employees engaged and focused is more important than ever. If you want your employees to be inspired, and start thinking about their next role inside your company, not outside, hire Andy!
Shana Sharan
Director, Talent Management