Andy Storch is the author of the book Own Your Career Own Your Life and a dynamic keynote speaker who can inspire your people to take ownership of their careers and prepare for the future. Andy has been facilitating workshops for large companies all over the world since 2011 and has spoken in front of thousands of people.

Essential Skills for the Future

In an ever-evolving job market, the skills and mindset required for career success are constantly changing. The Essential Skills for the Future keynote, led by Andy, is a dynamic and engaging presentation designed to equip employees with the foundational tools they need to own their careers and thrive in the future of work. Andy’s expertise and engaging presentation style will inspire and empower leaders and employees to take charge of their careers and develop the essential skills for future success.


  • Taking Ownership of Careers: Participants will learn actionable insights on taking charge of one’s professional journey, ensuring a proactive and purposeful approach to career decisions.

  • Adapting to Changes in Work: The nature of work is rapidly evolving, and understanding these shifts is crucial for staying relevant. Andy will discuss trends in the workplace and strategies for avoiding redundancy in an increasingly automated and dynamic job market.

  • Essential Skills for the Future: Identifying and cultivating key skills that will be critical for future success, regardless of industry or job role, is a focus here. The #1 skill that remains valuable across all fields is highlighted, alongside other emerging skills that are becoming increasingly important as the work landscape changes.

  • Developing New Skills Amidst Demanding Workloads: Andy will provide practical strategies for skill development, even amidst a demanding work environment. Andy offers tips on prioritizing learning and growth, effective time management, and preparing for future challenges and opportunities.

You can choose from 3 different formats: keynote, workshop, or webinar

Having Andy Storch present was an excellent choice. Topics like his that help people grow in their careers have significant value.


Andy is a dynamic, energetic, and empathetic speaker, who knows how to connect with an audience, keep them engaged, and teach them what they need to know to own their careers. Andy has been speaking and facilitating workshops for companies all over the world since 2011 and is a connector who knows how to engage with audiences at every level, including early-career professionals and C-Suite executives. Andy weaves storytelling and humor into his sessions and can cater to your audience and objectives. Andy is on a mission to teach more people to won their careers and is committed to providing value to everyone he encounters.


Andy has a gift, he is an inspirational facilitator, and will leave your audience wanting more..With so much economic uncertainty ahead this year, keeping your employees engaged and focused is more important than ever. If you want your employees to be inspired, and start thinking about their next role inside your company, not outside, hire Andy!
Shana Sharan
Director, Talent Management